Donate to Loving More and support polyamory awareness


We are asking you, the poly community, for help so Loving More can keep programs and activities going. The economy has been hard on everyone; this is especially true for Loving More. We have put many volunteer hours into building a better website, bringing the magazine online, creating videos for the magazine and the website. None of the Loving More staff is currently paid anything but we will not be able to rely on unpaid volunteers indefinitely. Without support in the form of donations from the community we will have no choice but to drastically scale back the work we are doing and possibly even close our doors completely. I know for many of you, Loving More was there to help when you were in need; we need your help now!

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We are asking you, the poly community, for help so Loving More can keep programs and activities going. The economy has been hard on everyone; this is especially true for Loving More. We have put many volunteer hours into building a better website, bringing the magazine online, creating videos for the magazine and the website. None of the Loving More staff is currently paid anything but we will not be able to rely on unpaid volunteers indefinitely. Without support in the form of donations from the community we will have no choice but to drastically scale back the work we are doing and possibly even close our doors completely. I know for many of you, Loving More was there to help when you were in need; we need your help now! 

The Loving More mission is to educate people about and support polyamory as a valid choice in loving relationships and family lifestyle. We do this in many ways. 

To fulfill our mission Loving More does many different programs and activities designed to bring, provide information and awareness of polyamory, as well as relationship choices to average people.  Many of these people are struggling in relationships that are not working; they are poly families who need help in gaining acceptance, people who are dealing with emotional pain and challenges that can come from feeling and living different. Many of us know how important finding information and support can be when you are struggling to make sense of personal relationships and how to live polyamory in a monogamy world.

What we provide:

  1. The Loving More website provides articles, information, and links and is becoming a national portal for many other poly focused websites.
  2. Our conferences, seminars and an annual retreat provide a place to learn relationship skills, find support and meet other people of like mind.
  3. Press releases, which we send to the media across the country on happenings within the poly community and current related news, bring much needed awareness to the public.
  4. Working with the media we find poly families and individuals willing to interview about polyamory and their lives.  This helps people to understand that these are normal and workable relationships and families.
  5. Education and lectures to colleges and universities.
  6. Support and help families and individuals by teaching relationships skills, helping form support groups, help in finding therapeutic and/or legal help and often just being available to listen to what people are going through and answer their questions.
  7. Loving More Magazine is an amazing resource with articles written by and for polyamorists giving a voice to people and support for those needing answers in how to navigate poly relationships.   


Our goal is to raise the needed money for our overhead for 2010 by the end of the year. To cover overhead and minimal staff we need to raise $30,000.  If every person who receives this letter were to donate just $20 we would exceed this goal. Every little bit helps.

Alan M has made the generous pledge to match donations up to $3,000, so each $10 you donate is like donating $20.  We know with help from all our members we can reach our goal.

Ways you can help:

  1. The most helpful is by making a pledge of $100, $50, $25 or $10 per month. Several people have made commitment to donate a certain amount each month of a set amount. If just half of our members and supporters donated just $10 a month it would provide enough to cover our overhead, to pay staff, to implement an education and awareness campaign to Universities across the country and the ability to produce educational seminars around the country in places that are often challenged with getting this information and support.  
  2. Single donations of $5,000, $1,000, $100 or $25 can help immensely. We currently have an immediate need and every dollar helps.  Remember we have a matching fund that doubles your contribution. 
  3. Donations of specific and much needed equipment can be a great help. Look for a wish list coming soon to the Loving More website.
  4. Host a fundraiser to benefit Loving More. Ideas include silent auction, musical performance, etc.  Some successful fundraisers in the past have been a polyamory picnic and BBQ, and a poly movie night.  All of these have been done and we can help you if you have questions on organizing a fund raiser. Fund raisers can be a great way to bring the community together. 


Loving More is a IRS 501c(3) non-profit charity.


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