Loving More Nonprofit


Loving More New Blog and First Online edition.

Welcome to the Loving More blog, where we will keep you up to date on what is happening with Loving More and issues relating to polyamory, relationships and other issues.  Blogs will be posted by Loving More Board members, staff and board advisors. We are pleased that one of our first blog posts is to […]

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Media Awareness

We maintain an extensive list of media contact and send regular press releases. This has resulted both directly and indirectly in many articles, radio and television shows being produced expanding polyamory awareness. We maintain a list of polyamory families, individuals and experts we can connect with reporters and producers.

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707-794-7334 [email protected] Spring Cook, M.A. Specializing in relationships, communication and challenging assumptions about life. In person or by phone. See www.aphroweb.net for polyamory resources and articles, including masters thesis on “Commitment in Polyamorous Relationships.” www.aphroweb.net/PolyamoryCounseling.htm

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Jealousy and the Abyss

  by William Pennell Rock From the Journal of Humanistic Psychology, Vol. 23, No. 2, Spring 1983, 70-84. Copyright ©1983 by the Association for Humanistic Psychology. Reprinted by permission of the author. Reprinted from Loving More Magazine 2005 Issue #33. Summary. Relationships — and jealousy in particular — provide an opportunity to come to a […]

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