
Tentative Schedule

Schedule is Subject to Change

Saturday November 23, 2013


7:30am - 8:30am - Check In
8:30am – 9:10am

Welcome Announcements

We welcome you as we begin a fun day of exploring and learning.  Meet the presenters, get insight into the best workshops for your needs and meet others who are exploring possibilities.

Opening Address

9:15 am – 10:30 am
Session 1


Polyamory: Exploring Relationship Possibilities

Jesus Garcia and Robyn Trask

The workshop will cover the basics of polyamorous relationships, what they need to grow and thrive. We will look at different forms of polyamory, pitfalls, joys and common issues people deal with in multi-partnered relating. What different polycules (poly configurations) can look like and possibilities in family and community. Polyamorous relationships can require us to navigate challenging situations and emotions. We will explore skills needed to navigate complex poly relationships as well as the importance of treating all relationships with respect to build deep intimacy and lasting love. Bring your questions and your personal experiences.



When Relationships Change

Robert McGarey, M.A

The last time your relationships changed, was it easy or did it hurt like hell? Breaking up, renegotiating agreements, falling in love, adding a partner to an existing relationship — relationship transitions can result in a new, healthy way of interacting for everyone, or they can end in catastrophic meltdowns. Learn and practice concrete, practical ways to sidestep emotional land mines and make changes with caring and love.


10:45am– 12:00pm
Session 2


Raising Children in a Polyamorous and Sex Positive Family

Robyn Trask and Marina InoueCouchCMJR

Raising children can be challenging and wonderful all at the same time. Raising kids in a polyamorous family while living in the wider mono-centric world can bring a unique set of issues. Issues can be further complicated in trying to overcome sex negativity and pass positive messages to our kids on sexuality, love and relationships. Building trust and a strong foundation with our children is important in their development into well-adjusted adults. In this open discussion we will talk about the challenges faced by polyamorous parents. How can we be true to ourselves and support our children in the broader world? We will include how to talk to kids about sex, polyamory, bisexuality and other sticky subject as well as dealing with children in unforeseen crisis.


Conflict Resolution through Imago

Jimi Phillips PhD

Developed by Harville Hendrix, Ph.D., author of Getting the Love You Want and Keeping The Love You Find, Imago Therapy teaches us how to use our relationships for healing and personal growth.  “Imago” is a Latin word which means “image” and refers to the deeply unconscious image we have of our ideal partners.

Using experiential methods, we will look at some of the hidden causes of relationship challenges and explore more effective ways of communicating and resolving conflicts in our relationships.  We will explore techniques for moving beyond the impasse of the power struggle of relationships that follows the romantic love stage (NRE) into the awareness stage that facilitates personal and spiritual growth which encompasses empathy and caring both for our partners and ourselves.  We CAN resolve conflicts in a win-win paradigm which enables all partners to become more “whole”.


12:00pm – 1:15pm
Break for Lunch


1:30pm – 2:45pm
Session 3

Negotiating Boundaries and Polyamorous Relationship Agreements

Robyn Trask

One of the biggest challenges in polyamorous relationships (actually all relationships) is understanding our boundaries, creating agreements that work as well as knowing how to negotiate and navigate the complexity of our emotional responses. This workshop will go through the basics of understanding boundaries and negotiating agreements that help create a safe container to expand love and connections. Included in the discussion will be safer sex agreements, how agreements change and evolve over time, finding what works for you and your partner/s as well as the way agreements can be an important part in expanding connections and creating lasting relationships.


Navigating the Complexities of Poly Dating

Beau with Panel

How many times have you said “Dinner and a movie sound great, let me go home check with my wife then it’s a date?”  We have, more than enough to count. This panel discussion will focus on success challenge and failures in the poly dating scene. You will hear personal experiences from different perspective and all positions in the family and relationships. The beginning adventures were rough and were spawned from the inconsistencies and the unfulfilling feelings that swinging offered. For over eight Beau and family has endured serious trials and tribulations with over 50 dating relationships and over 13 failed long term relationships but has been able to overcome and to understand what it is they exactly need…..”each other and our family…..our poly family.” Currently they are seeking the a 4th person to join their family. They are strong, secure, and functioning as a unit, it is a long ride but the adventure is worth it for all involved.

3:00pm – 4:15pm
Session 4


"Your Ideal Poly Relationship(s)"

Robert McGarey, MA

IMG_5615Most of us spend years searching for satisfying relationships, and the results are often less than we might hope for. We may have overlooked the all-important first step: becoming clear about what we really want. This workshop provides valuable tools for identifying traits we desire in partners, and suggestions on how to build fulfilling relationships using these newfound insights.


Introduction to Sacred Sexuality in Open Relationships 

Robyn Trask

What is Sacred Sexuality?  What is the purpose of intimate tantric connection?  How can tapping into kundilini energy heal and improve our relationships and our lives?   This introductory workshop will seek to bring a deeper understanding and answer these questions.   We will explore the questions people have through discussion, sharing experiences and explanation of Tantric and Taoist Sacred Sexual practices and how to use these techniques in your polyamorous relationships.   Deepen your understanding and experience of intimacy with your partners.


4:30pm – 5:45pm
Session 5


Polyamory Panel



An open panel discussion made up of presenters ranging in age from 18 to mid-70s to answer questions and have an open dialogue on relationship choices, polyamory activism, coming out, jealousy and issues people have questions or comments about. This is an opportunity to find answers to questions not answered in the workshops.


Drawing for Door Prizes immediately following the Polyamory Panel

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