This list is tentative and subject to change!

Facilitators & Speakers

Keynote Speaker

Cunning Minx

Minx headshotCunning Minx is the sultry-voiced producer and host of the Polyamory Weekly podcast, devoted to sharing tales from the front of responsible non-monogamy from a pansexual, kink-friendly point of view, now with over 400 episodes in production. A kinky boobiesexual, Minx founded the show as a resource for the poly and poly-curious to form a community, share experiences and help guide each other on their journeys of poly and kinky exploration.
Minx has spoken on poly, kinky and Web 2.0 community-building topics at ShibariCon, Geek Girl Con, CatalystCon, Atlanta Poly Weekend, Leather Leadership Conference, Dragon*Con, GD2, New York Poly Pride and Poly Living. The Poly Weekly podcast is the winner of the 2007 Erotic Award for Best Podcast, was voted one of the 11 best polyamory blogs of 2014 by and has received accolades from ErosZine, Fleshbot and the Chicago Sun-Times.



Chas August

Charles AugustChas August, Relationship & Intimacy Coach, has designed and led hundreds of workshops, support groups, and leadership trainings, worldwide, including the "Love, Intimacy & Sexuality Workshops" produced by the Human Awareness InstituteChallenge Days – a program to help change the climate of violence in our schools; "Free Your Passion Workshop", the "Healing Anger Workshop" – workshops to transform your relationship with your emotions and release you from your fears of feeling your feelings; as well as "Passionate Relationships" and the "Extraordinary Sex Workshop" -- relationship workshops for couples, “Communications,” and more. Chas sees the love in all people, the spark of the devine, and has an uncanny ability to reflect those loving aspects hidden behind the smoky mirror of learned programs..  Chas has distilled decades of the most practical and positive “change-producing-practices” into powerfully transformational experiences.   An experience with Chas and his flirtatious, loving & sexual nature is an experience that will stay deep in your heart for a long time to come.


Mim Chapman Ph.D.

mimbookpicMim Chapman, Ph.D., is the author of What is Polyamory?, a new book about the forms of poly diversity. She is an educator, a learner, and a change agent, relationship coach, keynote speaker, educator, and has been entertaining and mentoring people for more years than she chooses to admit.  She is a certified Myers-Briggs trainer and has led workshops in various aspects of diversity, learning styles, multiple intelligences, collaboration, anti-harassment, sexuality, and the change process for conferences, schools and businesses. She was Alaska’s “Curriculum Leader of the Year,” Toastmaster’s “Communicator of the Year,” and the YWCA/British Petroleum “Woman of Achievement.”  Her current creative passion is her sex education performance-art piece, “The VP (vagina-penis) Dialogues,” which has been performed in a variety of venues. Mim serves on the Board of Directors of Loving More and Unitarian Universalists for Polyamory Awareness.



Julio Cortés

 20140523_JulioCortes_A.De-Vos-Photo-Inc._INTJulio Cortés is a trainer and consultant who specializes in building long-term mutually beneficial relationships using a blend of modalities from eastern and western philosophies and spiritual practices. A graduate in East Asian Studies with a focus on Chinese and Japanese Philosophy from UCLA, Julio has dedicated his life to finding simple yet powerful ways to assist people in becoming more effective and fulfilled, as they find the bigger picture in their lives.  Julio teaches workshops and seminars on effective communication, relationship skills building and sacred sexuality.  He has studied with such teachers and masters as Dan Millman, Mantak Chia, Wang Fu-lai, Jibiki Hidemine, and Jim Tamm and has been teaching and in practice since 1991 in the United States and Japan.  In addition Julio is also a licensed Tai Chi instructor with additional extensive martial arts training in other systems (Jeet Kune Do,  Zong Nan/Cheng-Ming Internal Kung Fu, Systema).  Finally, Julio has had in-depth intensive training in energy work and is a master healer and teacher in several modalities (Reiki, Johrei, Sekhem, Qigong, Light Body).




Dawn Davidson

DawnDawn Davidson is passionate about Love. She believes that no matter who or how many you love, Love is always OK!  The author of the KISSable Agreements Workbook, and an internationally-known expert on polyamory, Dawn loves to help open-hearted people experience greater fulfillment in their own lives and loves. Dawn graduated from U.C. Berkeley, is a certified Interchange Radical Counselor and Shamanic Soul Coach, and an Ordained Minister dedicated to Love as a spiritual path. As a counselor, coach, and presenter, she provides insightful, intuitive guidance grounded in over 15 years of experience with real people all over the world. Her private sessions and workshops provide practical tools and wide-ranging resources to help you discover and express your most authentic self, whether individually, or in and through your relationships. Dawn is Kink-Knowledgeable, GLBTQQI-supportive, and a proponent of all forms of loving, respectful relationship.



Jesus Viramontes Garcia (Chuy)

Jesus2Jesus is the Board President of Loving More Nonprofit, polyamory activist and leader in the community. He is a native of the San Francisco Bay area who began exploring alternatives to monogamy in 2004. In 2005 he attended his first Loving More Retreat. In September 2006 he was invited to join Loving More’s Board of Directors. He has worked at raising money for many worthy causes and continues to work tirelessly as Loving More Nonprofit’s volunteer Director of IT. Jesus has been presenting on polyamory at conferences, Universities and special events. He is a key coordinator for Loving More conferences and volunteers. In addition Jesus has worked in the computer information technology field since 1995.





ron headshotLustyLustyGuy, the outspoken co-host of Polyamory Weekly, has never been monogamous, having lost his virginity in a triad during his teen years. He and his wife L have been non-monogamous for the past 30 years, and his outspoken ideas on relationship honesty and personal integrity have made him Poly Weekly’s most popular co-host. Coining phrases such as “experience shock” (to refer to unexpected poly freakouts) and repurposing “marking one’s territory” (physical reconnection with a partner after a date with a lover), LustyGuy brings the married male perspective to listeners worldwide. A former pornographer and janitor at the Seattle LustyLady, LustyGuy is currently an actor, director, writer and producer.




Jana Williams-Harris

JanaJana Williams-Harris has been poly for almost three years, and during that time she has developed a variety of connections and relationships.  She has a B.A. in Psychology from Brooklyn College, and has spent many years in various capacities working one-on-one with people from all walks of life.  She has also been an educator and a mentor, all of which have led her to seek out and learn new ways of communicating and relating.  As the Founder of The Rising Phnx, Jana has been developing motivational workshops for mature women who find themselves at a crossroads, and for young people learning to traverse difficulties. Herself an eclectic, Jana comes from a multicultural and very diverse family, is the mother of three accomplished young people (one of whom is transgendered), is a proud grandmother, and has a wide variety of interests that includes archery and skydiving.




Rebecca Hiles (The Frisky Fairy)

Becca-Jiles-INTRebecca Hiles is a dating, relationships, and sexual wellness coach called The Frisky Fairy. She is a writer who addresses issues of sex education, sex toys, polyamory, and cancer. She is a regular contributor to, and has contributed to discussing her life as a polyamorous cancer patient, among other things. She is a member of the Poly Leadership Network, and is certified as a sex educator through Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts. She was voted one of the Top 100 Sex Blogging Superheroes of 2014. She is currently a student of Dr. Ava Cadell’s Loveology University.




Tanya Hixon

TanyaTanya has always been open to exploring new ways of being in relationships with any number of partners.  Her love of Science and particularly Biology led her to major in Natural Science at UN-L.  Tanya has been part of the swing community for many years and in 2011 began exploring polyamory. She became a volunteer for Loving More in 2012 helping in the office and administrative assistance. In 2014 Tanya become a Loving More Board Member and Board Secretary. Tanya is bisexual, polyamorous and part of the swing community in Colorado, Her experience as a bi woman and  support of close transgendered family  has opened her eyes to the unique problems of the LGBTQ community. She is thrilled to be co-presenting for the first time at Poly Living.




Robert McGarey, M.A.

BobRobert McGarey, M.A., has a contagious love for life and a quirky sense of humor. He has been leading personal growth groups for thirty years, and has been poly for more than twenty five. He has served as the Roving Poly Counselor at five Loving More Conferences. He’s founder and director of the nonprofit Human Potential Center in Austin, Texas, and is the author of the Poly Communication Survival Kit. Contact him by emailing [email protected], calling (512) 441-8988, or visiting




Marina Reiko

MarinaWebEdit18Marina was raised in polyamorous family from birth. As a young teen Marina identified as polyamory and bisexual. At age 15 she began assisting in organizing Loving More events from Poly Living Conferences to Pride Fest Booth and Parade in Colorado. In2013 she co-facilitated a presentation on children and raising sex positive kids at Poly Living Philadelphia and at Woodhull in August 2014.  Recently Marina started a Teens in Polyamory Facebook page, a place for teens exploring polyamory or those raised in poly families to be able to connect and learn from each other.  An aspiring actress Marina performed in the play “Journey to the West” by OpenStage Theatre in Fort Collins in the fall 2014, her first performance with a professional company. Marina is an honors student from GOAL Academy, a statewide online high school currently participating in concurrent enrollment at Front Range Community College in Fort Collins, CO and will graduate this spring.  She plans to attend college at the University of Northern Colorado and major in theatre, and hopes to expand from stage acting and modeling to film in the near future.




Suzann Robins  & Gary Stroup

SuzannSuzann Robins and Gary Stroup met at an Easton Mountain Loving More Retreat several years ago and have hosted Cuddle Party in Denver ever since. Suzann recognized herself as Bi since she was 14 years old and Gary is recently exploring his boundaries. Suzann, author of Exploring Intimacy: Cultivating Healthy Relationships through Insight and Intuition, has been involved with discussions about alternative sexuality for the past 50 years. She attended the first PEPCon and many Loving More events on both coasts ever since. She is also part of AASECT, the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists, and ACISTE, the American Council for the Integration of Spiritually Transformative Experiences. They are retiring to the Oregon coast right after the conference.



Sante & Tara

Sante and Tara host sex positive events in the Denver area and in Las Vegas, NV. Since 2004, they have been committed to helping the world be fully sexually expressed. Their events range from informative discussions to casual meet and greets to wild on-premise parties to full hotel takeovers! Follow them at and




Aggie Sez

AggieSezAggie Sez writes about polyamory from the perspective of someone who prizes autonomy as well as connection, at She also co-moderates the Solo Polyamory Facebook group. She’s writing a book about all kinds of unconventional relationship structures, based on over 1000 survey results, to help people learn about relationship options other than the social norm of the monogamous “relationship escalator.”




Andrew Trahan

AndrewTAndrew Trahan is an activist who helps people connect around polyamory and love.  Through video-blogging and speaking publicly at every opportunity, Andrew seeks to raise awareness of two crucial and radical realities: love is an abundant energy to be shared instead of hoarded, and monogamy is not the only relationship orientation option.




Robyn Trask

RobynINT1editRobyn is the Executive Director of Loving More Non-Profit and a national organizer and leader for polyamory awareness. She is a polyamory counselor, workshop facilitator and writer. Since 2004 Robyn has worked to expand media awareness of polyamory appearing in numerous articles, radio shows and TV as well as helping to connect the media with other polyamory activists and individuals. Robyn and Loving More were instrumental in the formation of Polyamory Leadership Network. A national speaker and advocate for polyamory she has been a speaker at conferences, taught at universities and been a featured keynote speaker. Robyn has been openly polyamorous for 25 years, raising three children in a polyamorous family. Robyn has been running polyamory support groups, teaching and facilitating relationship and sexuality workshop since 1999. In addition she counsels polyamorous individuals and families. Currently Robyn is working on two polyamory related books.



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