Zach B
Zach has been teaching the Five Pillars of Consent to anyone who will listen since 2016 (aka, before the current iteration of the “MeToo” movement which began in 2017). In that time, he has picked up a few interesting items along the way, as well as learned the ways consent is discussed, thought about, and taught (or not) in various communities. Additionally, the way our society thinks about consent has evolved to become clearer and more inclusive, though not enough by any measure. Furthermore, there have been some developments in the way consent is discussed and brought about in our world. This workshop will be a brief refresher of the Five Pillars, along with a couple of updated understandings and considerations on this most critically important topic. As usual, the presentation will be full of Zach’s information, humor, flair, and sincerity. *Not required, but a brief skimming of the Five Pillars of Consent would be helpful to those who are not aware.